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Sunday Morning Road Rides
Our Sunday morning rides start at 11th and Main downtown Riverside, CA. Many people park in front of the old courthouse on Main Street (free parking on weekends). Click here for start location.
Sunday morning ride start times:
May through September 7:30
October through April 8:00
A Group – Ride lengths will be 45-60 miles with the pace averaging 19-21 mph. Moderate to difficult terrain. Focus on performance, pace lining, climbing and endurance. Group riding experience, general mechanical skills expected.
B Group – Ride lengths will be 35-50 miles with the pace averaging 17-19 mph. Moderate to difficult terrain. Focus on performance development, pace lining and climbing. Group riding experience, general mechanical skills expected.
C Group – Ride lengths will be 25-40 miles with the pace averaging 14-16 mph. Mixture of flat/rolling hills with some moderate climbing. Riders should have group riding experience, basic bike handling and mechanical skill.
D Group – Ride lengths will be 20-35 miles with the pace averaging 11-13 mph. Mixture of flat/rolling hills with some moderate climbing. Regroup as necessary.
E Group – Ride lengths will be 15-25 miles in length. The pace will be according to the riding abilities of those riding that day. Some riding skills and comfort with road traffic involved. New riders always welcome and a good place to start. Assistance and instruction will be provided in basic skills of fixing flats, bike handling, and group riding. Regroups often.
General Information for Group Road-Rides
· Non-members are welcome on all rides.
· Helmets are mandatory.
· Lights are required on all night rides.
· Riders are expected to bring the essentials.
¨ 2 WATER BOTTLES or HYDRATION PACK and/or energy drink
¨ FLAT FIXERS (spare tubes, patch kit, tire irons and a pump or CO2)
¨ RIDE FOOD (energy bars, energy gel or snacks and some cash)
¨ YOU AND YOUR BIKE (both in safe working condition)
· “Pace average” refers to the average on your computer at the end of a ride. If we say an average of 13 – 15 mph, you will be riding over 15 and under 13 at times, but the average at the end will be 13 – 15.
· All speed listed in the ride guide are guidelines.